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A Love Through Time Page 7

  Struan stood up and held out his hand, gesturing to the empty seat next to him. Alex made his way around the table, stopping to greet Anice, who sat to the other side of the laird. He took her hand, trying to imitate the action of every courtier in every period movie he had ever seen. He leaned over and placed a light kiss on her knuckles. Anice blushed and smiled and nodded her head at him so he felt pretty good about the move. He was on a roll now, so he thought he'd better compliment her dress. Women, even those in the Middle Ages, always liked to be complimented.

  "Anice, 'tis a lovely dress ye are wearing. And ye have my thanks fer preparing my room for my return. 'Tis quite comfortable."

  Anice looked too surprised to respond. She bowed her head and stammered out, "Yer welcome, my lord."

  "Alex. Ye can use my name when ye speak to me, Anice."

  "Alex," she repeated. Anice blushed more deeply and raised her head, giving him a glimpse of a slight smile.

  Alex released her hand and moved to the stool next to the laird. As soon as he was seated, servants placed huge platters of food on the tables. Others poured beverages into metal goblets at each place. He lifted his to his mouth and smelled it before drinking it. He inhaled the aroma of yeast, so it must be medieval beer or ale. He cautiously sipped before swallowing a mouthful. The sweetness of it surprised him, and he took another drink.

  "Do not drink all the mead afore ye eat, Alex. Anice assures me this is a strong batch." Struan look pointedly at Alex, then at Anice.

  "Ye brewed this, Anice?" Alex leaned forward to see Anice across the barrel chest of the laird.

  "Aye... Alex. I brought the recipe wi' me when I came. This honey mead is an old MacNab clan blend. Do ye favor it?"

  Alex was about to answer when he noticed that Anice's eyelashes were fluttering as she looked at him from beneath them. Damn, this fifteen-year-old child was flirting with him! He had better watch his step. Fifteen was far too young for his tastes, even if it was acceptable in the Middle Ages.

  "It is good." Alex took a small sip and put the cup down. The serving boy behind him stepped forward and refilled it. Alex decided to stay away from any liquor until he knew what was really going on. He pulled the plate in front of him nearer, and then realized it wasn't a plate after all. It looked like a hardened pizza crust. He looked around and saw that everyone was putting food from the platters on the crust, so he followed their example. Alex wasn't sure what the foods were, but everything smelled appealing. His stomach grumbled loudly, so he piled food onto the plate. Everyone else around him was eating heartily, so he joined in.

  * * *

  From her place near the back of the hall, Maggie watched the diners at the high table. Anice may have looked like a Highland lass this afternoon, but she'd had all day to get ready for this appearance. With her pale green flowing gown and its matching over-tunic of deeper green, she looked like the noblewoman she was. With her hair braided and held over her ears in a lace crispinette, she looked much older than her fifteen years. And when she was involved in conversation with Alex, she looked every inch the young woman in love.

  Maggie sighed as she watched Anice bask in the brief light of Alex's attention. She pushed her trencher away and took a deep swallow from the mug of cold water.

  This, she realized, was going to be difficult, if not downright dangerous. She knew that her background on this period and place was extremely limited. They would have to be very careful not to look or sound or act out of place... or time!

  The hall quieted and Maggie noticed that Struan had stood up and started talking.

  "Most of ye have had yer chance to welcome Alex back to the clan." He rapped Alex on the back and laughed heartily. "As ye know, Anice and Alex were betrothed years ago by King David himself after he raised Anice's faither, the MacNab, to the rank of baron. This marriage will join our clans and strengthen us both." Struan reached over, took Anice's hand in his, and pulled her up to stand at his side. He did the same to Alex, who Maggie could tell, even from her distance, looked vaguely uncomfortable with where this announcement was going.

  Struan placed their hands palm to palm and wrapped his around the two. "I have sent word to the MacNab announcing Alex's return and the impending marriage. The wedding ceremony will take place in one month, here. Dougal," Struan nodded at his steward, who was seated at the end of the high table. "Prepare a wedding feast to mark the occasion of the joining of the MacKendimen and MacNab clans."

  Dougal, straight-faced and stiff-spined, bowed his head in acceptance of the command from his laird. Laughter entered his voice as the laird continued.

  "And Dougal, make it a feast befitting my son and heir."

  The hall erupted with cheering and clapping. Even Rachelle and Brodie had joined in the celebration of the news. Maggie sat quietly in the midst of the revelry and waited for it to calm down. The laird stepped aside and allowed Alex to sit in his chair next to Anice. At Struan's signal, servants entered the hall with pitchers of wine. They made their way quickly through the crowds, pouring and filling drinking vessels throughout the hall. Maggie immediately recognized the importance of the gesture since wine was not served every day or even at all to most common people. Surprisingly, or maybe not, her mug was passed by.

  "And so, to the joining of our clans and the fruitfulness of Alex and Anice."

  Struan raised his pewter goblet to Alex and Anice and then to the hall and then drank the wine down effortlessly. The crowd roared its approval again and imbibed their drinks. Maggie took advantage of the noise and left the table to stand at the back of the hall. Looking over the people who filled the room, Maggie wished this was just playacting. At least then she could join in the camaraderie and enjoy the moment. But she and Alex were truly out-landers and needed to proceed with caution.

  She knew that some of the people were watching her as she left, believing that Alex's mistress would be uncomfortable staying and celebrating his upcoming marriage. Alex's mistress? No. Uncomfortable staying? Yes. There was just something about all of this that gave Maggie a sinking feeling in her stomach. The hair on the back of her neck tingled in warning that the worst was yet to come.

  In the hopes that she was experiencing a kind of time travel sickness or time lag, Maggie trudged up the stairs and followed the hall back to Alex's room. Now was as good a time as any to sort through her belongings and inventory the things of the future that had traveled with them to the past.

  Chapter 9

  Alex watched through the smokiness of the room as Maggie wove her way through the people and stood at the very back of the hall, near the door. He saw her pause briefly, shake her head, and leave. Thankfully, she walked in the direction of the stairwell, or he would've had to follow her. That, of course, would gain him the attention of everyone, which was probably not a good idea at this moment, especially when his father had just announced his upcoming marriage and Anice was still making cow eyes at him. No, he had to wait for the right time to leave and find Maggie.

  "So, Alex, ye need to spend some time wi' Anice afore the wedding day. Ye have been separated fer a long time."

  Struan's words brought his attention back to the head table. Anice sat, beaming, next to Struan. Young, damn it, she looked so young! Well, fifteen was too young for him, even if everyone around here accepted it. He forced a smile to his face and sat back on his seat. A serving woman stepped forward and offered him more wine. He shook his head. The last thing he needed was to overindulge and lose his wits. He swallowed the last mouthful in the goblet.

  Well, maybe he had already lost what wits he had. How could this be happening? A few hours ago he was touring his family's ancestral property and now he was, according to what his eyes and ears told him, feasting with his ancestors.

  Struan elbowed his side. In a very loud stage whisper, he advised Alex.

  "Mayhap, ye want to take yer lassie fer a long walk? The night is fair and the moon no' so bright to shed too much light on yer... activities." Before Alex could reply, Str
uan directed his comments to Anice.

  "Anice, why do not ye show Alex where ye placed the new gardens? He will be pleased to know that ye honored his maither's wishes." Struan pulled Anice gently to her feet and then eased them both toward the door out of the hall. "Go ahead, lass, ye need to learn yer mon."

  As Alex watched, Anice nodded at Struan's suggestions and then faced him.

  "Come, Alex, I will also show ye where we placed yer maither's favorite roses. I have managed to keep them alive for ye to see on yer return to us." She slipped her arm under his and guided him toward the door. He didn't resist. As they reached the exit, Alex thought he saw Anice smile back at Struan, but he couldn't be sure. But, by the way the hairs on the back of his neck were tingling, he felt as if he was being set up.

  * * *

  Maggie reached the room and closed the door firmly. She couldn't take any chances that the contents of her backpack would be seen. Hopefully, no one would breach the relative security of Alex's room. The room was too dark by her standards, so she lit a few more of the short, fat candles and placed them around the room. Satisfied that she'd be able to see now, Maggie opened the trunk and dug to the bottom for her bag. Grasping the handles, she pulled it out and walked to sit on the bed.

  Holding the bottom and shaking it vigorously, she emptied the bag's contents on the bed. Containers, bags, brochures, and more ended in a pile. She slid her sleeve up and removed her watch and added it to the collection. A scraping noise in the hall grabbed her attention. Maggie leaped from the bed and ran to the door. After a few moments of listening with her ear against the door, she opened it and peered out in the hallway. She could see no one nearby, but she couldn't take any chances. Maggie stepped back into the room, closed the door tightly, and then pulled the nearest trunk over in front of the door. That should keep everyone out, she thought as she crawled onto the bed.

  Making smaller piles from the large one, Maggie sorted through her belongings. Into one heap she tossed any papers she had collected through her tour. The brochures from England and Scotland showed a very different landscape than the one that existed now. Several vials of pills made up another pile. Maggie examined the two bottles of antibiotic tablets she carried. Her physician had warned her to carry them in case her recurrent ear infection should flare up while she was traveling. She threw those and another container filled with various headache relievers into a small pouch.

  Tucking her smartphone, her wristwatch, and her camera into various pockets inside the bag, she then sorted through her more personal toiletry items. Her brush and comb and toothbrush were all made of very modern plastic, so they couldn't be left out in plain view. Some hair ties and ponytail loops of material would pass, so she left them on the bed. Following the same rationale, Maggie sorted and separated everything in the bag. She was nearly finished when the sound of footsteps approaching the room startled her. The person stopped and pushed on the door.

  "Maggie? Are ye in there?" Alex's deep whisper relieved her fears. She climbed off the bed, shoved the trunk aside, and pulled the door open to allow him to enter.

  "This isna good, lass. Locking me out of my own room is not a good sign." His eyes twinkled in merriment.

  "You shouldn't tease me. I heard a noise earlier and thought someone was trying to get in."

  Alex reached out and rubbed her shoulders and upper arms. "It will be all right, Maggie. We will figure this whole thing out." His touch was very soothing, but she couldn't let herself relax yet. There was still too much she didn't know... about Alex, about this time and place... and their fate.

  He glanced past her to the bag on the bed. Maggie turned and followed him over to it.

  "Yer treasures?"

  "Treasures? I don't think I've ever thought of them as treasures before."

  "I'm certain the locals would be dazzled by most of the things in yer bag. What do ye hae?" Alex sat on the edge of the trunk.

  "Well, I carry the same things that most... er... women carry. Hair things, makeup, and camera. Unfortunately"—she held out her smartphone which carried out many functions in her busy life—"even my normal stuff won't be explainable here and now. And, by the way, you should take your watch off, too. Anything else?"

  Nodding his head, Alex removed it and handed it to her. Then he reached inside his sporran and pulled out his cell phone. He clicked the power button one more time and got no response. Shaking his head, he passed it to her.

  "So, where do ye think we can hide yer bag? I do not think the trunks in here will be verra secure without a lock once the servants start coming in to clean."

  "You're right. Any suggestions?" She pulled the ties tight and knotted them.

  "I'll try to find a lock for now. But that might draw more attention to it. Mayhap, in the corner under the bed until we find better?" Alex paused and looked around the room. Maggie could tell he was studying the size and location of the furniture.

  "Speaking of the bed, I think we can both share it, Alex. I won't ask you to sleep on this floor," she wrinkled her nose. "It may look and smell fresh, but the herbs may not have killed all the creatures."

  Alex jumped up and stared at the rushes on the floor.


  "Lice, fleas, ticks. Maybe even other insects I can't think of." She fought off a smile at his reaction to the mention of bugs. "Anyway, I think we can both fit in the one bed. And, since I'm very tired," her yawn interrupted her words, "I'm going to sleep. I'm sure they get started at the crack of dawn around here."

  "Ye are right. Struan said he would send Rachelle to fetch ye in the morning. We better get to bed... er... sleep."

  He looked around and then unfastened his belt. The kilt that had stayed in place through everything so far fell in a pile around him. Maggie's gaze was drawn inexorably to his legs, which were now visible below the end of the linen shirt he wore. Nice legs, she thought, experiencing another unwanted tug of attraction to Alex. Very nice legs. And his shirt didn't fall low enough to cover all of his...

  "Do I meet yer standards?"

  Maggie felt her cheeks heat up as Alex cleared his throat and turned away. She was standing there, examining him from head to toe and every place in between, and never realized that he was watching her. Well, she couldn't help it. She had a weakness for looking at men with nice legs. Pat had teased her about it constantly.

  "I'm sorry, Alex. I haven't had a man undress in front of me for a while. I didn't mean to be rude."

  Alex tugged the covers down, exposing several pillows, before he answered. "I know, Maggie. I had no idea that the plaid would just fall like that." He pulled the linen shirt down before climbing into the bed and adjusting the covers.

  Maggie realized she was standing in the middle of the room and Alex was ensconced in the bed already! How was she to undress?

  "Do not worry, Maggie, I willna watch. I promise," he said, as if he had read her mind. But she could hear the huskiness in his voice that told her his body was responding against his mind's direction.

  Maggie made her way around the room, blowing out the candles. Delaying her climb into the bed with him, she picked up and folded his plaid. Then she rearranged the position of the trunk out of her path to the door. Soon, it was obvious to her and Alex that she was stalling.

  "I am not quite ready to sleep yet. Just get in bed. I gave ye my word, do not ye trust me?"

  She looked at him and realized that she did trust his word. Silently, she took off the skirt and bodice of her outfit and climbed into bed in just her chemise. It actually covered more than most of her nightgowns did. He held up the covers and she settled down between him and the wall.

  "There now. That wasna so bad, was it?"

  "No, Alex, it wasn't."

  When he took her hand in his and entwined his fingers around hers, she felt only comfort from the gesture.

  "What is this all about, Alex?"

  "I do not know. We must wait and watch for signs and clues about what happened to us. Mayhap someone
here can aid us." He squeezed her hand before letting go of it.

  "I just don't understand. This can't be real. It can't really be happening to us." Tears welled and burned in her eyes and throat. She fought their release. "This can't be what I'm thinking—traveling through time? How? Why us?"

  "I do not know. But try to stay calm about it. Get some sleep. Morning will be here afore ye know it."

  "Are you worried, Alex?"

  "Aye, I am, but I'm trying to control it for now. We hae to give it a few days and see what comes to us. Good night, Maggie."

  She turned over on her side and still fought the tears that threatened to fall. In a whisper, she said, "I'll try not to worry, either, Alex. Maybe we'll wake in the morning and find that this is all just a bad dream. Good night."

  Sleep eluded her for a long time that night.

  Chapter 10

  "If ye do not raise yer sword, ye are a dead mon, Alex MacKendimen."

  "Go ahead. Put an end to it." For a split second, a part of him hoped Brodie would take his head and end his suffering. Already bloodied and bruised by the swordplay of this day, Alex was sure a few of his ribs were broken.

  "Nay, I canna. The laird said to work ye, not kill ye."

  "I think ye are nearer to killin' than ye know, Brodie."

  Brodie guffawed, and the men watching the pair fight joined in. Alex just stood, bent over at the waist, with his hands on his knees. His breath was coming in deep gasps, which pained his screaming ribs. And he thought he was in relatively good shape. From the cuts and bumps spread over his body, relatively was a relative term! One of the younger boys came forward with a bucket and offered Alex a dipper of water. Sitting on the hard ground, he took the first one and poured it over his head and face. Pushing his sopping hair out of his eyes, he accepted the second one to drink.