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A Love Through Time Page 6

"But what about Anice?"

  "Anice has her place, and ye have yers. The laird knows that Alex wants ye. Now, show yer grit, Sassenach." With a grin on her face, Rachelle pushed Maggie toward Brodie.

  Chapter 7

  Alex watched, seated at the table on the raised dais at one end of the hall, as Maggie was led in by Brodie. Her face was lacking all color, except where a dirty handprint was visible on her neck. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and tried to imagine what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into while they were separated. He opened his eyes at her gasp. She hadn't been able to keep up with Brodie's long, purposeful strides and had stumbled. Alex motioned to Brodie to slow down, waving his hand at the burly clansman.

  The pair finally reached the steps and paused at the bottom. He saw Maggie's chest and shoulders heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She rubbed her upper arm where Brodie had held her. Alex started before the laird could say anything.

  "Maggie, what haes happened to ye?" Alex pointed at her neck.

  Maggie looked at him first, then Brodie, and then Struan. Before she could answer, Brodie interrupted.

  "'Twas a bit of a misunderstanding, Alex. The lass is fine."

  "Are ye, Maggie?" Alex watched her as she paused before answering. Then, he noticed Brodie's face getting redder and redder with each moment Maggie delayed.

  "Yes, Alex. I am fine." The words came out as an exhausted whisper. Alex turned back to Struan and waited.

  "My son tells me that ye aided his return home. I am grateful to ye for yer help." Struan called out from his seat at the center of the table. He pushed his chair back and stood up, watching her the entire time he walked around to the top of the steps. Maggie nodded her head in acknowledgment but said nothing.

  "But I am telling ye straight out that his bringing ye here will cause some problems. Anice isna pleased."

  "Faither..." Alex began.

  "Nay, Alex, ye willna get a battle from me about keeping her, but ye need to see the problems ahead." Struan stopped Alex's protest with a wave of his hand. "The woman has a place here wi' ye, but it might go a wee bit easier if she doesna stay at the keep until after yer wedding. She could stay in one of the cottages in the village, out of Anice's sight."

  "But she knows no one else here but me. I want her at the keep." Alex prayed that the laird would relent. He and Maggie had to stay together to figure out the mess they were in. If the laird tried to remove Maggie from the village or send her back to England, all hell could break loose!

  Struan extended his hand to Maggie, and Brodie pushed her to go up the steps. The laird led her over to Alex, looking her over with the eyes of a very experienced man. Alex stood up as Maggie reached him.

  "Weel, I can see why ye want her close by to ye. She looks woman enough to keep yer bed and body verra warm at night." Struan chuckled as he focused on her breasts and then her hair. He grasped a handful of hair and ran his fingers through it, laughing at her disgruntled look. Alex prayed she would stay calm.

  "Weel, lass, I will offer ye my protection if Alex has no more need of ye after his wedding wi' Anice. I think ye would be able to help me work the stiffness out of my bones." Struan looked at Alex, then Brodie, and winked at Maggie.

  "And a lot of other places too, laird," shouted Brodie, and everyone present in the hall joined in the laughter. Except Maggie and Alex.

  Alex looked at Maggie and saw tears gathering in her cobalt blue eyes. Her face, chin, and neck were smudged with dirt, and her hair tumbled loose from the ponytail she had made a short time ago. Even without the added stress of playing a part, he could see that she was tired and almost at the end of her endurance. When he saw her lower lip begin to tremble, he knew he'd better do something.

  "Faither," he said quietly, "she's had a verra difficult journey here and does not know our ways. Wi' yer permission, I will take her to my room and let her rest awhile."

  Struan approached them and patted Alex on the back. Then he waved to a serving girl standing near the doors to the kitchen.

  "The lass does look near to fainting, Alex. Take her to yer room and come down for the evening meal. Jean will show ye the way to yer new room and get ye some water for washing." At his order, the girl nodded. "The lass can start her work in the kitchen on the morrow." Struan strode down the steps and through the great hall with Brodie close behind him.

  Alex took Maggie's hand and pulled her close to him. Lowering his voice so no one would hear, he whispered to her, "Just hold on a few more minutes, Maggie. We can talk when we get to my room." Maggie nodded mutely, and they followed Jean through the room and up the steps to the second floor in one of the towers where his room must be located.

  * * *

  Alex led Maggie to the bed and helped her sit down. He closed the wide door to the chamber, and paced around the room. The soft crunching of what looked to be dried grass or hay on the floor echoed through the still room. When Maggie started to speak, he motioned with his finger to quiet her conversation.

  "Wait until after the girl leaves. I have much to tell ye, also."

  Maggie nodded, dropped her backpack on the floor, and fell back on the rough covers of the bed. Near sleep, she sat up when she heard the soft knock at the door. Alex opened it and the serving girl entered with a pail of hot water in each hand and some linens over her shoulder. She placed the buckets on a small table and the linens next to them and looked at Alex.

  "That is fine, Jean. We thank ye."

  Jean nodded her head and left the room, pulling the door closed behind her. Alex paused and then checked out the hallway. He closed the door securely and turned to face Maggie.

  "I think we can talk now, no one is near. But keep yer voice down." He crossed the room and sat next to her on the bed. The ropes squeaked under his weight.

  "Now, what really happened to yer neck? 'Tis covered wi' dirt and shows a man's handprint. Are ye weel?" He reached to touch the marks, but she pulled away.

  "I had a bit of a run-in with the big one—Brodie. We didn't agree on my proper place here in the castle hierarchy."

  She felt her neck, rubbing some of the bruises that were already visible beneath the dirt on her throat. At his questioning glance, she continued.

  "When Brodie insulted me, I hit him."

  "Ye hit a man twice yer size? Are ye daft?"

  "He said I had a good swing for a Sassenach."

  "But how did ye get the bruises?"

  "Well, he responded to my punch by grabbing my throat and shaking me. I guess I should've expected something like that from a Highland warrior."

  "Please, I beg ye, Maggie, step carefully around here. Yer verra life is at stake, I'm afraid."

  "Okay, I'll be careful. Do you have any idea of 'when' we are?"

  "I do not know until we got to the keep that this really is still the MacKendimen clan that we are dealing wi'. I should have recognized the name 'Struan' from my aunt Jean's stories, but I think I was in shock."

  "I think we both are. You know, you are sounding more Scottish now than even a little while ago." He shrugged at her comment. "What else do you remember about this part of your family history?"

  "Not much. I know that the laird's son was sent to England wi' King David, Robert the Bruce's son. And that he remained there and was rather notorious wi' David. Unfortunately, I canna remember what that was or when it happened." He shook his head.

  "Well, it obviously hasn't happened yet or your look-alike relative would be here, too." Maggie slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. "Maybe I'll feel better if I wash up a bit. Tell me what else you've found out."

  "Anice is verra pleased to have me back. Struan wants to set the wedding date as soon as possible." At Maggie's raised eyebrows, Alex laughed. "I canna help it—I'm irresistible."

  "What does he have planned for me? Did I hear him say kitchen work?"

  "Aye, he wants to keep you from Anice's path. He thinks the kitchen is the safest place for ye—out of sight, out of mind. Anice was all
sweetness until the laird started to ask about ye. Then she stiffened up and got a strange look on her face. The laird dismissed her so we could talk man to man."

  "What did you both expect? She's fifteen and has been living with her betrothed's family for years without him. Then he returns, you return, dragging along a foreign woman with whom you are intimately involved and one you plan to keep with you. You and I are both lucky that she hasn't come after us with knives yet."

  "Weel, now that ye put it that way, I can see why she'd be angry. Go ahead and wash up first. Ye look like ye need it more than I do."

  Maggie poured some of the water into a basin she found and splashed her face and neck with the warm water. Using a small cloth to wipe and dry her face, she finished washing quickly. Alex watched as she grabbed her bag, searched around in it, and came out with her brush. As she sat on the bed and started to pull the brush through her long curls, Alex felt his body react. Raising her arms to reach behind her head brought her breasts up higher, pressing them against the thin blouse she wore. He could see that her nipples had hardened into enticing points and his mouth began to water. Her long, shapely legs were bared to his sight as she sat cross-legged on the bed.

  He felt himself grow hard in response to the sight before him and then realized that an erection wasn't as uncomfortable in a kilt as it was in jeans. Maybe he would like this plaid thing after all! Then he felt his underwear being stretched across his groin and remembered what Maggie had said about them being seen. Since she was turned away from him, he reached under the kilt and pulled off his briefs. The rush of damp, cool air under the plaid helped to cool his body's reaction.

  "I do not think I will get used to this damn skirt verra quickly." His voice was gruff as he walked to the bed carrying his underwear. "Where do ye suggest I put these?" He held out his hand, catching her off guard.

  "Put what? Oh! Well, I don't want them. Put them in one of the trunks over there." Maggie pointed to the trunks that lined the wall of the chamber. She had finished brushing and braiding her hair and turned to face him.

  "You know, I don't think I've ever had a day that can compare to this one in my life. First, we arrive here, wherever and whenever this is. Then we are almost run over by a herd of barbarians and brought to this village. Next, because I'm said to be your mistress, I am propositioned by your best friend and your father. Add to that your fiancée, who would rather see me dead than alive, and being told that I can work in the kitchens when I'm not 'servicing' the heir of the laird, and you can see the kind of day it's been for me. I can't imagine what could happen tomorrow to make it more memorable than today!"

  Alex could hear the fear and exhaustion in Maggie's voice. He pulled her into his embrace and held her quietly. Rubbing her back to soothe her, he whispered to her, "Maggie, we will figure out what is happening here and we will get back to where and when we should be. Something sent us or brought us here, and that same something can send us back. We will just bide our time and look fer clues."

  He felt a moment of regret as she stepped back out of his embrace. Her body leaning against his had felt so right. He let her go and walked over to the trunks. Sitting down on one, he took his first real look around the chamber.

  The large bed was pushed against the wall, and a small table with several candles stood next to it. Some wooden shelves lined the wall on either side of a small window that was covered with leather and fur. He walked to the opening and pulled the covering back. After a moment of looking out over the courtyard where they had entered, he turned back to the room.

  He noticed three large trunks, including the one he had been sitting on. He opened the closest one slightly and stuffed his briefs into it, making a mental note to investigate them thoroughly tonight. Finally, he looked at the fireplace in the corner of the room. Since it was obviously still summer here, no fire had been lit. But the dampness of the chamber made him realize that one would be necessary later to drive away the chill. Sniffing, he noticed a smell emanating from the floor that was not unpleasant.

  "Herbs," Maggie said, she must have noticed him wrinkling his nose. "They put herbs in the rushes to cover the odors. These are obviously pretty fresh since you can still smell the herbs."

  "Rushes? Oh, the grass on the floor."

  Maggie laughed at Alex's comment. "Well, yes, they are a kind of grass. Sometimes they were woven, but mostly they are just spread around to catch all of the dust and dirt. If they're left too long, the odors will get very strong. Fresh rushes in your room are a big treat."

  "How do ye know all of these details, Maggie?"

  "I read a lot," she replied, "and I've taken a number of history courses in college and after." And read many, many romance novels set in medieval Scotland, she thought. "I guess Anice ordered them before she knew about me. By the way, there was something funny that happened with Brodie in the kitchen."

  Alex remained by the wall, facing her. "What was that?"

  "Rachelle came to my rescue."

  "Who is Rachelle?"

  "Rachelle is this little bit of a girl that Brodie loves. She works in the kitchen and has him wrapped around her little finger." Maggie smiled as she remembered Brodie and Rachelle together. "It was quite a sight."

  "Struan told me that I need to train wi' the men to rebuild my strength. He said I look pitiful fer a warrior of the MacKendimen clan. So, whilst ye are in the kitchen, I will be in the training yard."

  Maggie looked his body over more closely than before. His arms and shoulders were well-developed. His thighs looked strong, too. At least what she could see of his thighs under the kilt. She remembered how it felt to press up against his back while they were riding the horse. His stomach was flat and hard under her hands, and his— Maggie shook herself to stop this train of thought. It was going to be difficult enough living in the same room with a perfect stranger. Adding sexual attraction to the mix would be downright dangerous. She cleared her throat.

  "Do you have any experience with weapons training?"

  "Nay, not with swords. I do have some expairience with martial arts. At least I am not in bad shape to start this training."

  "The laird obviously thinks you've been lying on your behind while you've been in England. That will help explain your lack of stamina." Maggie laughed at his affronted expression.

  "If ye are done insulting me, I think I will have a look around the keep. Why do not ye get some rest? I will come back to get ye afore going to the evening meal."

  Maggie moved her bag aside and lay back on the lumpy but inviting surface. She couldn't control the loud yawn that sounded and felt like it had started at her feet and moved through her whole body. Her eyes were fighting her best efforts to keep them open.

  "Alex? Try not to get into trouble, okay? I don't think I could handle anything more right now."

  He smiled, winked at her, and left the room, closing the door soundlessly behind him. Maggie fell asleep almost instantly.

  Chapter 8

  "Maggie, wake up."

  Instead of waking up as he told her, Maggie rolled over and curled into a tight ball on her side. Not to be ignored, Alex climbed onto the wide bed and shook her again.

  "It's time for the evening meal, Maggie. Wake up." This time, he accompanied his call with a stronger shake. Damn but the woman could sleep soundly!

  "Come on, Don. Fifteen more minutes, just fifteen more." Her words were muffled, but he clearly heard the man's name: Don. Who was Don?

  "I'm not Don, and this is yer last warning." Alex's voice came out a bit louder than he planned, and Maggie reacted swiftly. Her body snapped into a sitting position, eyes and mouth wide. Alex moved off the bed.

  "I'm awake." Maggie tossed the hair that had come free of her braid over her shoulders and rubbed her eyes. After she looked around the room, dark except for the light shining in from the hallway, she rubbed her eyes again.

  "We're still here. It wasna a bad dream, Maggie."

  She slid to the edge of the bed and let h
er legs dangle off the side. Alex went to the basin, wet a piece of linen, and handed it to her. "Here, wipe yer face. We need to get to the hall quickly."

  Maggie washed her face and straightened her clothes and her hair. Alex grabbed her bag when she finished with her ablutions and shoved it into the same trunk where he had stored his briefs earlier. He reached out for her hand and pulled her behind him into the hall. "Let's go."

  The passageway was empty of people and lit by torches set high in the walls every few paces. They only had a few more moments of privacy, so Alex told her what he had found out so far.

  "The entire village knows about 'my' return from England and about you, too. They are all waiting to see what kind of explosion will happen between ye and Anice."


  "Anice's temper is legendary in the village. The people see her as verra capable of bein' the next laird's wife, but they stay out of her way when she's been angered."

  "Oh, great. Now, not only do I have to worry about being propositioned by the men, but I also have to watch out for a vengeful fifteen-year-old girl." Maggie pulled his hand to make him stop. They had reached the top of the stairway and the sounds of the hall muffled their conversation.

  "I found out more, but ye need to know that right away. I have to sit at the high table for the meal, so I will see ye back in the room tonight. Brodie said ye can sit wi' them. He will keep ye far from Anice." Alex squeezed her hand, and they started down the steps to the great hall. When they reached the entranceway, the hall quieted as the people inside caught sight of them. Alex dropped Maggie's hand and pushed her in the direction of Brodie, who stood off to the side. At Brodie's nod, he walked toward the dais.

  The path to the front of the hall was filled with men, women, and children, anxious to greet and speak to him. He decided it was safe just to stay with general comments and not ask questions as he made his way through the crowded aisles. He promised to visit some and to talk with others later. Finally, he took a deep breath as he approached the steps leading to the high table.