A Love Through Time Page 8
"Are we no' done yet, Brodie?"
"Nay, Alex. Ye still have a wee bit of fight left in ye to work out." Brodie reached for his hand and pulled him to his feet. "It's yer turn to attack me now." He handed Alex the sword he had dropped, a practice sword that was well broken-in.
"I do not think I can raise my arm above my head."
"Ye wee puir bairn. Weel, ye better lift that arm now!"
With that brief warning, Brodie charged him from a short distance away. From the fierce frown Brodie wore, it was hard to tell this was only practice. From the intensity of the blow he dropped on Alex's blade and weakened sword arm, it definitely did not feel like practice. Alex managed to maneuver out from under most of the force and jump to his feet, but his arm and hand were shaking from the power of Brodie's blow.
His true level of pain and weariness must have been apparent to Brodie, because after the one nearly devastating strike, Brodie stopped and smiled.
"That's enough for this day. We must leave you some strength in yer body to take care of yer lovely Maggie."
"Surely she will thank ye fer that," Alex retorted.
"Well, if ye canna take care of her, ye can always call on me."
"Or me," added another voice.
"Or me," chimed in a third voice from the group of men and boys that had been observing the training.
"I thank ye all for yer kind offers of assistance, but I can take care of my woman." He made eye contact with a number of the men who were now grinning and obviously lusting after Maggie. "And make no mistake—she is mine."
The men nodded in agreement, acknowledging Alex's ownership of the woman in question, and then broke up. Hopefully, that will keep her problems with being accosted by unwanted attentions to a minimum, he thought.
"Let's go to the loch. The cool water will clear yer head and lessen the heat." Brodie trotted off through the gate and into the woods on one side of the road leading into the village. Alex dragged himself to stand and handed his weapon to the boy who stood waiting nearby. He watched him run off to take the sword back and wondered briefly where he would get the strength to get to the loch. He took in a deep breath that stretched his aching ribs and walked slowly in pursuit of Brodie and the promised relief.
Brodie was waiting for him on the path, and Alex caught up with him.
"I feared I left ye in the dirt of the yard."
"Yer concern fer me is heartwarming, Brodie. It took but a bit of time and effort to get this body moving."
Brodie slapped him on the chest. Alex gasped at the waves of pain that shot through the body under discussion.
"Do not worry, Alex. The first day is the worst. And, I swear, the loch will revive yer puir beaten body." Brodie laughed in his frowning face and took off again. This time, when Alex caught up with him, Brodie was standing naked next to a shiny, blue lake. A second later, Brodie took a flying leap into the water and disappeared below the calm surface.
As he spied Brodie emerging from the water, Alex took off the heavy belt around his waist and let the plaid fall. He had worn only the plaid and the breezes reaching his skin were a godsend. He walked to the spot where Brodie had jumped and dove into the water. He wasn't sure if it was the icy temperature of the water or the force of his dive that stopped his breathing. He touched bottom and turned his body upward. His scream began before he broke the surface and tore out of the water as he did.
"Bloody hell! Ye are trying to kill me." He found Brodie floating on the water a few feet away, a knowing smile on his face.
"Did ye forget that this loch never warms? From the look on yer face, I think ye did forget."
"Or never knew," Alex muttered under his breath.
He sank back into the frigid water and washed the blood and dirt from his body. Taking a breath, he sank again into the water and swam away from Brodie. After a few strokes, he turned and floated on the calm surface. Now, this he could learn to like. He had hesitated for the briefest moment before dropping his plaid and swimming naked.
But, in this time, bathing suits did not exist. He had swum nude as a kid at the small pond on his parents' farm and enjoyed the freedom of it, freedom he had rejected over the last few years. Instead, he had placed all kinds of limits and restrictions on himself: organized, not restricted, he tried to tell himself.
Goals, not limits.
Somehow, the importance he placed on those plans seemed to fade away as he faced the first truly unexpected and unanticipated turn of his adult life. The need to be the youngest partner in the history of the accounting firm he worked for paled beside his current need to survive in this foreign world—and the need to find his... their... way out of this. His job-oriented priorities looked very out of line here in this primitive place and time. And, thinking about survival...
He stood as he reached the shallow part of the water and walked out of the lake. Brodie followed him to the pile of clothes. Mimicking Brodie's actions of using the material to dry off his skin and Brodie's example of how to rewind the length of plaid around his waist, he dried and dressed.
"At least ye look presentable to yer woman now. Being a Sassenach, she may have fainted if she saw ye covered in blood."
"I think Maggie has almost as much grit as a Scottish lass. She stood up to ye, do not she?"
Alex watched the red flush move up Brodie's neck and face and even his ears.
"So, she told ye."
"Weel, I knew something was wrong when I saw yer handprints on her neck yesterday. But, aye, she told me."
"She has a good backhand, ye know. For a woman and a Sassenach."
Although he could hear the respect in the man's voice, Alex knew Brodie was waiting for his response. And he didn't keep him waiting. He drew back and punched Brodie in the face, hitting the lower edge of his jaw. Brodie barely flinched from the blow—he just rubbed his face and laughed.
"I think she has a better blow than ye, Alex. Mayhap she can teach ye how to hit a mon."
Alex laughed with him and shook out his throbbing fist. Remembering that Maggie was indeed a teacher, he answered, "Aye, Brodie, I have a feeling that Maggie will teach me many things. Weel, we'd best be getting back to the keep."
* * *
"It's a good thing I'm used to dealing with children," she muttered under her breath. "A good thing indeed."
Looking around the huge room, it was hard to believe she was dealing with any adults at all. The women were cleaning the room, but their attention focused on her. Elbowing and shoving, they moved closer to her work area, each one pushing a bit harder to get the best position. To do what, she wasn't sure. It seemed as if they had never seen a woman from outside of their village before. She shook her head and went back to scrubbing the worn tabletop.
"Ye will all get more of yer own work done if ye leave the Sassenach be." The steward's loud voice filled the cavernous room.
Their reaction was comical. Maggie watched as the group went completely still for a moment and then ran off in different directions. She tilted her head down to cover her smile. Children, just like children caught doing something they know they shouldn't be doing.
"Ye will have to pardon us." Rachelle approached the table, carrying a pail of water. Lifting the bucket onto the tabletop and pouring it slowly on the surface, she continued, "We do not see many Sassenach women here."
Maggie used her brush to spread the water and leaned over and scrubbed another area of dirt on the table before replying.
"Really?" She batted her eyelashes at Rachelle. "And do I have the three eyes and horns on my head that you all expected?"
"Actually, it's no' yer appearance that is a surprise. They heard about yer run-in wi' my Brodie and canna believe ye live to tell." Rachelle winked at her.
Both women laughed and then bent over their task. Maggie knew she liked Rachelle. She was quiet, almost to a fault, but when she spoke, it was worth listening to. She was also deeply in love with the barbarian Brodie, and Maggie had learned that they would indeed be get
ting married. The laird recently granted Brodie permission to build a cottage and gifted him with the land to do it. Rachelle told her earlier this morning that, as soon as the new section of wall around the keep was completed, the builders would begin on their new home. Rachelle's comments had ended with a blush as she mentioned the wedding.
After the table had been scrubbed, they signaled to two of the men, who would lift and carry it to a place nearer to the wall. Maggie watched the men's approach with suspicion. Each time they moved a clean table, they pinched or fondled her in some way. From the smirks on their faces and the whispered exchange of comments, she knew they planned more of the same. Rachelle moved on to the next table, but Maggie's path was blocked by the two approaching men. As she tried to pass between them, she found herself sandwiched between them.
"We been watching ye work, lass, and we like what we see, eh, Farlan." The smell of unwashed bodies and new sweat poured from them. Maggie shuddered, sickened by the stench. Unfortunately, they interpreted it as fear and it egged them on. They stepped closer to her, if that was possible, and the man behind her put his hands on her waist. When she started to struggle, the man in front took her wrists in a stinging hold.
"We know a place where we can hae a wee taste of what a Sassenach whore gives out. Farlan, let's go there now."
Maggie froze in shock, the insult cut her so deep she couldn't take a breath. It was absolutely unbelievable that these two thought they could just take her out of the hall and that no one would stop them. And yet, they were trying to do just that. Farlan wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her, as his friend, a man called Innes led the way. Maggie realized she was the only person who was going to save herself. Even Rachelle stood watching the scene mutely from nearby, her eyes wide and questioning.
They were nearly to the doorway when she jammed her elbow into Farlan's stomach and stomped on his foot at the same time. His arms loosened enough for her to break free. When Innes turned to look, Maggie drove her knee into his groin. The very large man crumpled to the floor like a wilting flower. Maggie began to run away from the two when another pair of arms grabbed her.
"Do not fight me, lass. It's Alex."
"Alex. I'm glad to see you. Those two men..." Maggie sputtered.
"The twa willna bother ye agin from the looks of it."
When faced with the stone-cold anger of their laird's son, the culprits were quick to get up and back away. Maggie wasn't sure if it was her quick moves or Alex's proprietary embrace that spoke more clearly to the men.
Alex glanced around the room and called out, "Maggie is under my protection while she lives here. Make no mistake—anyone who abuses her will answer to me."
"So much for women's liberation," she whispered to him.
Still in his embrace, Maggie looked up at him. His hair was wet and he was wearing only the plaid. His shirt was tossed over his shoulder. His chest was covered with pale red hair that curled enticingly under her hand. Her hand! She tried to move out of his arms, but he tightened his hold.
"Weel, lass, in for penny, in for pound."
Without warning, Alex dipped his head to hers and took her mouth in a kiss. It was possessive, meant to show everyone present his ownership of her. His lips opened and he plunged his tongue into her mouth as she opened it in surprise. Her body reacted before she could stop herself. She leaned into his embrace more fully, stepping between his legs, and wrapped her arms around his body. His plaid and her thin skirt did little to disguise his arousal. His erection pressed against her belly, unmistakable in its length and hardness. She arched against it as he rubbed his mouth on hers and explored deeper with his tongue. His hands roamed over and down her back and reached her buttocks when the noise of their spectators finally broke through the oblivion that the kiss had created.
He lifted his mouth from hers and loosened his hold on her. Smiling a predatory-male smile, he whispered back to her, "Women's liberation be damned. It hasna happened here... yet."
His wink was the only thing that stopped her from arguing with his actions. Looking around, she noticed that the people were going back to their tasks and Farlan and Innes were carrying the cleaned table to its new position. They were moving a bit gingerly though, thanks to the self-defense moves she had employed.
She stepped back and straightened her bodice and skirt. Tugging it back into place, she noticed Alex watching her movements with a glint in his eyes. Then he called out to the steward who sat working at his tasks at the head table.
The older man hurried down from the dais and reached Alex's side in a few moments.
"Aye, Alex?"
"Dougal, have ye a dagger?"
Dougal looked from Alex to her and she saw the man's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed deeply. He frowned as he considered Alex's question.
"Mayhap if ye tell me what ye need it for, I can help ye?" Dougal now shifted nervously from one foot to the other, his plaid swaying to his movements.
"A small dagger, for Maggie. 'Tis clear she needs one... a dagger for eating and for anyone who bothers her again." His voice raised at the end of the sentence.
"Alex," she began to protest. Backing away, she shook her head. She didn't want to carry a weapon. Not in her time and not in this time, either.
"Lass, ye need one to eat and ye must have lost yers in the fight wi' those damned men who robbed us." Alex nodded to her, leading her along.
As much as she feared carrying one, it was customary to have at least a small dagger to spear meat and food during meals. She had seen it at dinner the night before. Alex apparently wanted her armed, so she smiled at him and nodded at Dougal in agreement.
"Oh." Dougal let out his breath. Maggie wondered if Dougal thought she planned on using the daggers on the two men who had just accosted her ,.. or against him.
"I will find one for... er, yer..."
"Maggie. My name is Maggie." She smiled at him as she enjoyed his brief moment of embarrassment. Evidently, he was comfortable calling her "the Sassenach whore" behind her back but not to her face.
Dougal nodded to Alex and walked quickly away, up the steps of the dais and to the table. Alex led Maggie to a quieter part of the room.
"Are ye all right, Maggie?"
She smiled at the concern she heard in his voice.
"Yes, Alex, I'm fine. I never thought... I had hoped... that I wouldn't have to use the self-defense training I received. But," she smiled at him, "it's come in very handy."
"I hope ye do not use that against me." Alex laughed and then rubbed his hand over his rib cage, wincing.
"What have you done to yourself?" Maggie looked at his chest... again, searching for signs of damage. Some scrapes were obvious but no bruises.
"Weel, I had my own run-in wi' Brodie today."
She reached up and touched the still-sore marks on her neck. If Brodie had done that to her, what had he inflicted on Alex? Her dark thoughts must have shown on her face because Alex started laughing.
"Nay, Maggie. He was my sparring partner today, assigned by the laird to give me a workout. And, what a workout he gave!" His hand moved back to his ribs.
"Did you break anything, Alex? You know, you need to be careful here. They really think you are a warrior already and up to this."
Alex snorted at her comment. "I was being careful and you may be surprised to learn that I held my own against him."
She laid her hand on his arm, trying to ease the pride that was now more bruised than his body. He seemed to take her concern too seriously.
"Alex, there is still so much, too much, that we don't know about this time and place. Try to stay in one piece, okay?"
"I'll be careful, Maggie. And you be careful, too." He nodded in the direction of her two admirers. "I meant to ask ye... are they being cruel to ye?" He lowered his voice as he asked.
"No, Alex, it's okay. I'm just a novelty and they're curious. Rachelle said it's really because of my encounter with Brodie."
; "Ha!" Alex laughed loudly, drawing the attention of the workers. He kissed her again and whispered, "I willna see ye until after the evening meal. Struan 'suggested' that I spend time wi' Anice this afternoon." Maggie stepped back and he strode out the nearby door to the yard.
As she watched his progress through the courtyard, Maggie realized that, other than knowing he was from the same area as she was, she knew nothing about this man. She sighed, letting out some of the tension his kisses had caused in her body. She had better get to know this man, now that she was trapped with him in the past.
"Aye, he is a most handsome mon."
Maggie whirled around to face Rachelle.
"Ye were sighing, loud enough for the horses in the stable to hear. Yer Alex have grown to be a fine looking mon."
"Did you know him before? Before he left for England?" Maggie thought this might be a chance to learn about the real Alex.
"I knew him." Rachelle's voice lowered to almost a whisper.
"Rachelle, what's the matter?" Maggie saw the woman's hesitation—fear, if Maggie didn't know better.
"Let's just say that the laird's son thought he should have whatever... whoever he wanted. He wasna an easy mon to thwart."
"Alex made a pass at you?" She tried to keep her curiosity under control. This woman was not talking about the Alex she knew, but one who was even more a stranger.
"A pass? Is that another English word of yers?" Rachelle took advantage of a moment of silence and started walking toward the tables. Maggie caught up with her and stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Rachelle had regained some of her color.
"I willna tell tales, Maggie, but I am glad that Alex brought ye wi' him. Mayhap things will be peaceful between he and Brodie."
"But I thought they were the best of friends."
"They were when they were but lads, but not when Alex left wi' David fer England. He and Brodie didna part on good terms."
And Rachelle was the reason. Unspoken, it rang out loud and clear to her. Alex, the real one, had been making moves on Rachelle, who felt pressured not to resist because he was the laird's son. Brodie, his cousin, apparently already enamored of Rachelle, couldn't have been happy. Most likely, Struan chose Alex to go to keep things peaceful in his clan and castle.