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Page 9
Rachelle, clearly uncomfortable with this conversation, had turned back to her work. Maggie walked to the dirty table and picked up a brush, lathering the surface and scrubbing the patches of dried food. Without looking at Rachelle, Maggie asked, "Were you the 'whoever' that Alex wanted?"
"Aye." The reply came out as a soft whisper.
"And now?" Maggie pressed for more.
"I hope he haes given up being a spoiled child who expects to get what he wants."
Maggie reached across the table and took Rachelle's hand, trying to comfort her. "I think that Alex will be too busy with me and Anice to even think about you."
Rachelle offered a slight smile at Maggie's attempt at humor. They finished the last of their tables and walked to the kitchen for their next assignment. At least now she had some information to share with Alex when she saw him next.
Chapter 11
"God save me from overdeveloped teenagers!"
He slammed the door behind him, finally feeling safe from Anice's advances. He glanced around the room and noticed that only two candles were burning to light the darkness. The faint light thrown by the candles showed an outline under the covers of the bed. He moved closer and saw that Maggie had beaten him to sleep. A tray sitting on one of the clothes trunks explained why he had not seen her at the evening meal.
He walked, quietly he hoped, over to the trunks and sat on one. His body was beginning to tell him very clearly how much he needed rest. Reaching down, he pulled off one boot and then the other. The pain in his ribs and chest was lessening, he thought. Breathing didn't hurt as much as it had earlier in the day. His arms and shoulders were very sore, though. Swordplay was a misnomer—it wasn't even close to play.
Alex unfastened the large broach that held his plaid in place over his shoulder and placed it on the nearby shelf. Stretching his arms over his head, he pulled off the linen shirt and tossed it on the trunk. Then, loosening his belt, he dropped the plaid to the floor.
As he approached the beckoning bed, he realized that he could not get in bed naked. He and Maggie were complete strangers, though at times he felt as if he'd always known her. But what could he wear? He walked back to the trunks and searched through one and then another. They must have something comfortable he could use for sleeping in this time. He was reaching for the third when Maggie called out to him.
"What are you doing, Alex?"
"I am looking for something suitable to wear to bed. Do ye have any ideas?" Only when he watched her eyes move, scanning down his body and up again, did he realize that he faced her, completely naked. So much for not offending her sensibilities!
Alex turned back to the piles of clothes and pulled out another clean shirt and tugged it on. When the length fell around his thighs, he turned back to face the woman in the bed. Maggie dropped the covers she held up to her neck as he walked closer.
"Look," she held her arms up, "we match now."
He saw that she was also wearing one of his shirts. The room wasn't so dark that he couldn't also see that she was wearing nothing under it; the curves of her breasts were clear through the material. It looked much better on her!
"Sorry, I do not mean to wake ye, Maggie."
She patted the empty part of the bed. He sat next to her.
"I didn't think I would fall asleep that fast. But, the bed is comfortable and warm and I couldn't fight it any longer."
"Have ye been here long?" The room was straightened, well, except for the clothes he had just thrown around from the trunks.
"No, I just climbed into bed a few minutes ago. If I had been truly asleep, you would never have roused me."
He remembered trying to wake her the afternoon before and the difficulty of it. And, he remembered she had spoken a man's name.
"Who is Don?" he asked abruptly.
"Don? How do you know Don?"
"You called out his name in yer sleep."
"I did? What else did I say?" She sat up straighter as she eyed him suspiciously. He thought for a moment about teasing her, but if her day had been half as trying as his, she'd probably hit him.
"Nothing else, Maggie, just his name. Is he yer... boyfriend?" She hesitated, and dropped her gaze from his. She twisted some strands of hair around and around her fingers, pulling them, as she decided how to answer his question.
"He was my boyfriend. We broke up a few months ago."
"Did ye date for long?"
"We were together for over two years."
"Ye seem a bit hesitant to answer my questions. Would ye prefer if I do not ask?"
She put her hand on his before answering. His body reacted to the heat that traveled from her touch.
"I don't mind at all, Alex. Since we don't know how or what happened to us and don't know when we'll get out of here, I think it would be good to get to know each other better."
"We just need to be certain that we do not mix the facts wi' the fiction we're living here," he added, nodding his head at her questioning glance.
"I agree, we need to keep our stories straight and separate."
"So, if ye do not want to talk about Don, tell me about teaching." He thought to steer the subject to something less personal.
A wide smile brightened her whole face. "I've been teaching for six years now. I love it. You can have such an effect on children, really influence the rest of their lives with what you do as a teacher."
He watched as her eyes grew wide and her love of teaching and children just poured out. The enthusiasm was so clear that he thought any of her students would have no choice but to excel. When had he lost that kind of enthusiasm for his job... for his life... for love? When had he ever had it?
Maggie had continued for a few minutes before he realized that his thoughts had strayed to his own life. As he focused his full attention back on her, she stopped and blushed. And she did it so attractively, too!
"I'm sorry. My friend Pat says that when I start talking about teaching and my kids, I'm harder to shut up than a used car salesman."
"It's all right, I did ask the question. It's great to see someone who still loves their job."
"Oh, Alex, I have never thought of teaching as a job. It's my life." Still idealistic, still enthusiastic and still committed. And all he felt now that he was involved in his quest for partnership was frustration, disillusion and stagnation.
He noticed that she had thrown her braid over her shoulder when she started speaking about her life... not nervous anymore. He could see more of her body again since they sat so close together. His body betrayed him as he noticed her breasts pressing against the linen shirt. Her nipples hardened to points. He hardened, too.
How in God's name would he be able to sleep in the same room with her if he reacted this quickly and vigorously to this slight temptation? Trying to put some distance between them so that his body could cool a bit, Alex stood up and walked to the window. The shirt was longer than the one he wore yesterday, so at least his ass didn't hang out when he walked.
"Tell me about yer day. Did they leave ye be?"
"Farland and Innes?"
He nodded.
"They didn't bother me after you left. Innes never even got close—never within a leg's reach!"
"I know that ye were offended by my actions in announcing that ye are mine, but I think it will ease yer problems wi' the other men." She started shaking her head at him, disagreeing.
"I wasn't offended, Alex. I'm just not used to being owned by a man. I've worked, loved, played, and slept with a man. But I've never been owned by one before."
Alex couldn't say anything, he was still thinking about the "loved, played and slept with" part of Maggie's answer. His body was still thinking about it, too. No, his body just said, "To hell with it," and rose to the occasion! He grimaced. So much for his efforts to cool off.
"I don't think that came out the way I intended, Alex." She smiled at him and he knew that the next days or weeks or months would be hell on earth for him and his body. He was destined
to be beaten to a pulp by the men and constantly aroused by this woman.
"And the rest of yer day?" There... that was a good change of subject.
"Well, I did find out something interesting about you. Or really about your counterpart, the real Alex."
"Ye did?"
"He is in England with King David who is Robert the Bruce's son. He's been there for almost five years and was a spoiled, overbearing brat when he left!"
"I do not like the sound of that."
"You shouldn't. From the comments I've heard and overheard today, the real Alex was not well-liked. You are a pleasant surprise to the clan, so far. But they're waiting to see how you handle the Anice versus the 'Sassenach whore' situation."
"What? Is that what they called you?"
Maggie climbed off the bed and walked to where he stood. The shirt definitely looked better on her. Her legs were long and shapely. He swallowed convulsively at the thoughts that entered his brain about what he would like to do with those legs.
"They didn't call me that to my face. But the words were used several times behind my back and to Rachelle."
"Rachelle, that's Brodie's woman?"
"Yes, and apparently a past attempted conquest for the real Alex."
Alex was shocked. "Really?"
"And apparently, the real Alex was not so gracious when she refused his advances. The laird sent him to accompany David to avoid more problems within the clan."
"More problems?" He was intrigued now, wondering what his counterpart was like.
"He and Brodie had come to blows several times over the matter. And Brodie's father, Struan's brother, was pressuring Struan to control Alex."
Alex let out a slow whistle. "So, Struan allowed his son to go into captivity wi' David to restore peace to the clan?"
"You got it. So far, the comments I've heard have been favorable to you, the new and improved Alex. The ones who spoke said that it appeared that you had grown up and might be ready to take your place in the clan hierarchy."
"Except that ye and Anice now threaten more unrest." He watched anger flare in her expressive eyes. "Weel, I am not saying that ye are the cause of this situation. But, we have dropped into the middle of something bigger than both of us."
He watched her hips sway as she walked back across the room to the bed. Even covering her from head to toe with some heavy canvas would never hide that walk. Finally, and moments too late for his own peace of mind, she sat on the edge of the bed.
"Speaking of Anice, how did your afternoon and evening go with her?"
Anice's antics came flooding back into his thoughts. She sat as close as she could to him on the stone bench in the garden. She rubbed her barely covered breasts against his arm and her thigh against his leg as he escorted her through the castle grounds! And, her attempts to kiss him! She was certainly aggressive. He shook his head and then ran his hands through his hair. There was no need to mention all of that to Maggie now. Her dislike of Anice was becoming clearer each time the name was mentioned. Before answering, he started to walk the length of the room.
"'Tis difficult to believe that she is only fifteen. I have never met a more 'knowing' fifteen-year-old girl."
She gifted him with a brief smile. "In our day, there are plenty of 'knowing' fifteen-year-olds. I see them in the high school. But, Alex, we're in her time now."
"Ye really think she has been waiting for me here?"
"Yes, in this time she would have been sent here for training, fostered under the care of the laird and lady. She is destined to become lady here when the real Alex assumes the position of laird."
"It's obvious that she's learned weel."
"One other thing you should keep in mind, Alex." He thought he heard a cautioning tone enter her voice. He walked closer to hear her warning. "A betrothal was considered by most as just as good as married. It was not unusual for a betrothed couple to..."
"Let's just say, explore the physical side of their relationship."
He could not help it. His mouth dropped open. Sex? Sex with a fifteen-year-old... girl? "Ye are joking, are ye no'?"
"No, Alex, I am very serious. And, knowing the temperament of the Scots, most betrothed couples do. Actually, if you avoid her too much, it will seem very out of place."
"Great, just great. So now I must accept her advances?"
Maggie laughed. If it wasn't himself in this predicament, he might find it humorous, too.
"Weel, I canna say that I like this, but I thank ye for yer warning." He paused and thought about the warning he needed to give her.
"And I have a warning for ye." He sat next to her at the edge of the bed before continuing his words. He turned to face her and saw the worried look that marred her brow.
"Ye need to watch out fer not only the lady Anice but her maids and companions as well. They are all verra displeased about yer presence here."
"I haven't seen any of them. Who are they?"
"They have seen ye. Each one took her turn when I visited the solar today. Even 'my' aunt Gunna shared her displeasure wi' me about ye."
"How many are there?" She was twisting her hair again. Nervous again. Well, with what he heard today, she had reason to be nervous.
"Anice has a maid, Firtha, and a companion, Wynda. Both are much older than she... and both are much bigger, too. Aunt Gunna also spends her time wi' them. Just try to stay clear of them." She had realized the seriousness of it because her eyes widened and she nodded her head, not arguing.
"Now, we had better get some rest or we willna make it through another day here." He paced the room once more, putting out the candles as Maggie climbed over to the side of the bed near the wall. He watched as she settled under the cover, facing the wall.
As he was drifting off to sleep, he heard her ask, "It isn't really a bad dream, is it, Alex? This is real?"
He searched for a comforting answer, but there was none he could think of to give her. "I'm afraid 'tis real, lass. Just keep yer eyes and ears open, and I'm sure we'll figure out what's going on here."
"Good night, Alex."
"Good night, Maggie." He placed his hand lightly on her shoulder. "We'll get through this."
She shrugged but didn't answer. He sensed that she was fighting for control of her fear. He didn't move his hand until he felt the rhythmic rise and fall that told him she was asleep. His hand dropped down to her waist and, since it felt so comfortable, he let it stay there. In a few moments, he was snoring.
Chapter 12
The call dragged her again from sleep. Resisting it was futile; it would not stop until she answered. Now, sitting back on her heels, Moira waited for the smoke to fill the daub and wattle cottage. She knew that after the thick haze blew off the hot fire, she would see. It took but a few moments and the room was hazy, the fire hot and blazing. She leaned closer, closed her eyes, and waited for the wisdom.
As in the countless times before, she opened her eyes as the visions appeared in the flames. A young woman in a strange place and time, a young man who looked to one and all like the young heir, the newly built arch in the laird's new wall.
The arch! It called to her in the night and in the daylight. She saw visions there, too, and that was different from the other times. Never had she seen things anywhere but in the flames. Now, the archway cast scenes in its shadows for her to view. Damn that stonecutter for not watching his empty-headed son! Look what had come from his stupidity.
But, the arch she looked at in the flames was ancient, broken, filled in partway with mortar and stones. As she watched, the young man and woman approached it and sat within its power. They couldn't see the power building around them, but she could. Flashes of light, bands of colors and heat came from the curving structure. She reached toward the scene to warn them, but before she could call out, another was there. The flashes of light and heat grew more intense around them, and then they passed through the arch.
Moira sat back, stunned at what the vision had reve
aled to her. They were here, now! The man living in the keep was an impostor, but he was the one she waited for, had seen many times in the flames and in the arch. The young woman, not really his leman... yet, sent to teach him. This man had tempted the fates in some way unknown to her, and they had sent him to learn a lesson. The arch was the tool used to bring him to this reckoning.
Since the knowledge had been sent to her, Moira knew she would be part of this lesson. It had happened before and would again. She lifted a hand up to her face, pushed her loosened hair back, and rubbed her weary eyes. The room began to clear of smoke, leaving only the familiar odor and haze of her peat fire. A loud snore broke into her reverie. Looking toward the straw pallet in one corner, she smiled. The brawny, good-hearted blacksmith still slept. It would be hours before the sun rose in the sky, so Moira crept back onto the pallet and into her lover's protective embrace. A fortnight or more before her part in this lesson began. There would be no time for peace and protection when the fates moved forward with their plan. She had much to prepare.
Chapter 13
"Ye lazy slattern!"
Maggie gasped at the hostility aimed with as much force as a physical blow. She rolled over on the bed and sat up to face her adversary. Another gasp was torn from her throat as she beheld one of the largest women she had ever seen. With a face that could have been carved from granite, the woman stood almost as tall as the doorway. Her body was proportioned to her height, and Maggie swore that this giantess could give even Brodie a run for his money.
Hoping that this intruder had not spied her hiding her backpack under the bed, Maggie slid to the edge, stood, and took a few steps away from it. It was then that she noticed the pile of clothes held in the woman's arms.