A Love Through Time Read online

Page 10

  Raising her chin and putting forth a brave face that she didn't particularly feel, Maggie asked, "Are you looking for Alex?"

  The woman glared at her with an icy look and snorted in answer. She looked around the room and began walking toward one of the trunks against the far wall. Without thought, Maggie placed her hand on the woman's forearm to stop her progress. The woman pushed Maggie out of her way and continued. "This is Alex's room, and you cannot just come in here whenever you like. And, who are you?"

  "I do not usually converse wi' yer kind, whore, but I am the Lady Anice's maid. Now, get out of my way while I carry out her wishes."

  In shock from the harshness shouted at her, Maggie released her weak hold, backed away, and watched the maid open the trunk and put the garments inside. The woman straightened and walked wordlessly from the room, without sparing Maggie another glance.

  Maggie let out the breath she didn't know she'd been holding and slammed the door. She raced the few steps to the trunk and opened the lid. Searching through the pile, Maggie found three shirts, two pairs of tight pants, stockings unlike any she had ever seen before, and two more lengths of plaid cloth. So, the Lady Anice was providing Alex with more clothes. Well, that meant that their story of being robbed was accepted.

  Closing the lid, Maggie looked at her wrist instinctively. She was so accustomed to wearing a watch and being on a schedule that she continued to try to check the time. She made a mental note to tell Alex about their watches. They were both ticking, but neither one was advancing. They stopped at 1:23 p.m., the time she and Alex first sat on the wall inside that old arch. Another part of this growing mystery.

  It was nearly time for the noon meal, she thought, as she made her way out of the room and back to the kitchen. Passing through the doorway to the great hall, she paused and surveyed the crowded room. A hazy, dizzy feeling washed over her, forcing her to grab onto the stone entranceway. She closed her eyes, waiting for the room to stop spinning. After a few moments, she forced her eyes to open. The strange feeling was gone as quickly as it came, but she was still suffering its confusing effects when a booming voice grabbed her attention.

  "Mistress Hobbs!"

  It couldn't be... it just couldn't. She turned toward the kitchen, but he would not be ignored.

  "Mistress Hobbs, bring yerself up here." The laird's tone was clear; he would brook no defiance, especially not in his hall.

  Maggie's throat and chest tightened, her palms grew sweaty, and she fought to remain calm. As she took her first step toward the dais, she let her gaze sweep over the room. No Alex. No Anice. No Rachelle. Just Struan and his steward.

  Her second and third steps were just as difficult as the first. She focused on her breathing, forcing air in and out of her rebellious chest. Although the room had quieted, most were going about their own tasks. She took one more look around as she reached the bottom step. The whispered voices of Struan and Dougal cut through her concentration.

  "Ye canna think to do it, Struan."

  "Ye dare to question me?"

  "Ye know what she is? How can ye seat her at yer table?" Dougal's voice became an exasperated whine as he huffed out his complaint to the laird.

  "Because I am the laird here, Dougal. Ye willna naysay me in my own hall. If ye are bothered by the wench, ye have my permission to leave."

  Maggie stopped and waited. Struan wanted her seated at his table and Dougal objected, strongly. Struan motioned her forward and pointed to a stool near his chair. "Sit there, lass. Dougal, tell Odara I am ready to eat."

  Looking as if he had smelled something very rotten, Dougal gave a slight bow to Struan. His lips were closed tightly, a thin line of disapproval in an overall expression of his distaste. He left before Maggie could climb the steps to the table.

  * * *

  Fear was clear on her lovely face, but he could see she was fighting it. His son's leman reminded him of his beloved Edana in many ways. Her hair was the same color, her eyes nearly the same hue. But it was the strength and backbone she displayed in this unfamiliar place that made him smile. Edana was forced here against her wishes by her clan. Their marriage was arranged to unite two warring factions, and she had not agreed to it. Well, at first. It took but moments in the same room for them both to realize that they should be together. A love match from an arranged marriage, no one had thought it possible.

  His eyes burned with unreleased tears as his lifetime of memories with her flew through his mind. He shook his head; this was not the time or place to sink into reverie. The woman stepped back at his gesture and waited.

  "Take yer seat, Mistress Hobbs. I have matters to discuss wi' ye."

  She nodded at him and walked up the steps before him. He examined her from head to toe and everywhere in between as she made her way to the stool next to him. Her eyes widened as she stood next to him.

  "I may be hungry, but I promise not to bite ye. Join me," he pulled the stool closer to him, "for the noon meal."

  Odara and some serving maids crossed from the kitchen, carrying platters to the dais. At her direction, the girls began to place trenchers of day-old bread in front of them. Platters of another meat stew, boiled peas and beans, and assorted cheeses were presented. Grunting his satisfaction, he piled both trenchers with a selection of foods. At his nod, the trays were placed behind them on a smaller table to await their call for more. A young boy filled their goblets and then moved away. Struan winked at young Kenneth, who hadn't spilled a drop over the rims of the goblets. The lad was learning quickly.

  "So, lass, tell me how ye came to meet my Alex?" He pushed the trencher of food toward her and watched as she drew a small dagger from her apron pocket and cut the larger chunks of cheese. He dug in with his own, awaiting her answer.

  "As I told Brodie, we met in England... where he was..."

  "Whoring and gambling wi' the king?" His reports were as close to the facts as anyone's, he knew what his son and heir spent his time doing in Londontown.

  "Ah, Laird, er... my lord..."

  "Ye can call me Struan, or Laird if ye be not comfortable wi' that. Now, 'tis the truth of it and I know it, lass. Young David and my Alex have plowed their way through the women of Edward's court and have now set their sights on those least able to say no."

  He watched as a blush moved up from her neck to her face. She stammered even more as she tried to speak. Her long braid had fallen over her shoulder and she began twisting the end of it around her fingers. Edana had been bashful, too, but it had not lasted long. He had a feeling that it would not last with this lass much longer.

  "Were ye still a maiden when Alex found ye?" He purposely provoked her in order to learn more about this Sassenach who had enough grit to stand up to Brodie and to others who tried to accost her. He almost smiled as she faced him straight on for the first time.

  "No, Laird, I was not a maiden when I met Alex." The blush deepened in her cheeks.

  "Did he promise ye anything to get ye into his bed?"

  "Well, Laird," she began quietly, "he did promise me a good time in his arms and in his bed." He saw her eyes twinkle as she spoke.

  "And, lass, did he fulfill his promise to ye?"

  "Aye, Laird, he did." And she winked at him!

  He roared out his enjoyment of bantering with this lively foreigner who belonged to his son. Laughing loudly, he watched her hesitate and then join in with him.

  Her laugh was light and without false pride. He liked this girl!

  "Come, Mistress Hobbs, eat yer fill. Ye must need yer strength to keep up all yer tasks."

  He gave himself and the girl some time to fill their bellies before beginning anew to question her. The reports he received on his son's escapades only went so far, and none had mentioned a Mistress Maggie Hobbs.

  After sampling all of Odara's fare, he pushed his chair back from the table's edge and looked over at Maggie. She dropped her hands to her lap and lowered her eyes to avoid his.

  "Nay, lass, eat more if ye are hungry."<
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  "Thank you, Laird. Odara's bread is very good." She tore another piece off the loaf and wiped up the gravy from the stew. She washed her food down with a large swallow of water and sat back. Without warning, she stood quickly. "I should get back to my duties. If you would excuse me?"

  Struan grabbed her hand and tugged her back on her stool. Dougal, the old fool, saw it as he came up the steps and approached the table. "Ye are no' excused, Mistress. Sit." She was trying to slip away before he got what he wanted. "What is it, Dougal?"

  "I wanted to inform ye that the messengers have been sent as ye ordered."

  "Messengers?" He knew the answer, he waited to see her response.

  "Aye, messengers to the MacNab. They left early this morn to bring news of the marriage to the Lady Anice's family."

  She paled a bit, but he couldn't see any other reaction to the news that her protector and lover was marrying soon. "Thank ye, Dougal. Ye may go now."

  He could see the indignation rise on Dougal's face. His loyal steward was not used to being pushed out of the way and was not used to having his advice ignored. Dougal straightened his back and held his head high and, with a loud hmmpff, he stormed out of the hall. He would survive the insult.

  "So, Mistress, how is yer work in the kitchens? Are ye able to keep up wi' it?"

  She stood at his side again and tried to leave. "Aye, Laird, I am familiar with kitchen work. I can do the work you've assigned." Taking a small step backward, she continued, "I'm sure Odara is waiting for me to return now. If you'll excuse me?"

  He would have his answers, but he wouldn't have them this day. She was too new to this place to answer him yet. But she would one day. He was Laird, by God, and she would speak the truth to him when he demanded it of her. But he would give her time.

  She hesitated before leaving the table, waiting for his permission. A brief nod of his head and she sped off down the stairs to the kitchens.

  Somehow, the story of Alex and the wench's return to the clan didn't sound right. Something about it raised his hackles. He would get to the bottom of this and find out what neither his son nor his son's woman would say aloud.

  Chapter 14

  "We have some time afore we are needed again. Would ye like to walk?"

  Stretching shoulders and arms sore from too much kneading, Maggie nodded her answer. Fresh air would feel good, and a walk would give her a chance to check out their surroundings.

  "Lead on, Rachelle." With a sweep of her hand, she motioned to Rachelle to go ahead.

  Rachelle led her through the doorway into the bailey and past the exercise yards. The sounds of men yelling and metal against metal and wood against wood became louder. Then, after a huge roar, the noise disappeared. If she was in her own time, she could have sworn she was listening to the crowd at a baseball or football game.

  "'Tis the men in the yard. The laird ordered their practice."

  "Does he expect trouble?" It would be their luck to end up in the middle of a clan war!

  "I do not think so, but he takes no chances wi' the clan's safety. Besides, ye never know what our neighbors, the MacArthurs, will do since David is still held in England."

  Rachelle waved Maggie closer. "Come, there's a place I want to show ye nearby."

  Maggie ran to catch up with her, and a few minutes later, they broke through a line of trees into a clearing. They stood at the edge of a huge lake. The surface, moved by deeper waves, reflected back the bright blue of the sky. A breeze, traveling over the water, wafted over her and cooled her sweaty face. Rachelle sat on a rock and pulled off her shoes and stockings.

  "Come. The waters will refresh ye."

  She removed her shoes and stockings and followed Rachelle's steps into the lake. She couldn't control the squeal that broke free.

  "By God, this is cold!" She wiggled her toes in the water. They felt numb already and fought her attempts to move them. She jumped out of the water and onto the sand surrounding the lake.

  "This loch never gets warm. The waters come from the Ben Nevis's snows." Maggie followed Rachelle's gesture to the north. "They feed the loch all year. But, we do not mind it here."

  "Well, it's too cold for this Sassenach to go swimming." She shivered from head to toe as she touched the water again.

  "Come, let's sit in the shade." Rachelle walked over to a part of the shore where the trees hung low over the water's edge. Maggie walked over and sat next to her, enjoying the clean, crisp air.

  The air was one big difference that she had noticed almost immediately upon arriving here. You could actually smell the surrounding trees and plants here. Smells and odors were carried by a background air that had no fluorocarbons to dull their scents. They had not learned the basics of how to keep the air in the kitchen moving, but outside was pristine and cool.

  And, it was quiet here, she thought, looking at the lake and cocking her head to one side. Well, not in the castle during most of the day, but out here and at night. The sounds of birds calling to their mates in the forest traveled far in the tranquil surroundings.

  "This is very nice, Rachelle. Thank you for bringing me here."

  "Weel, if we wait a few moments more, it will be e'en nicer." Rachelle winked at her and held her finger in front of her lips.

  The sound of voices started out low, then gained in volume and strength. Maggie waited quietly as they came closer. Rachelle pointed to a spot down the shoreline and she watched as two men burst through the trees, laughing and yelling as they plunged into the water.

  It was Alex and Brodie... naked as newborn babes and just as loud!

  "You are a wicked woman, Rachelle. They're naked!"

  "Weel, how do ye expect them to wash? Wi' their plaids on? Now, hush afore they hear ye!"

  The men broke the surface of the lake, and Alex's curse split the air. Brodie's laughing answered Alex, and then they both began walking from the water. Maggie turned to see Rachelle's reaction to the sight of the two, very well-endowed warriors who stood drying themselves not twenty feet away. Rachelle's face glowed with love as she watched Brodie. She smiled when he did and blushed as he and Alex made disparaging remarks about each other's physical attributes.

  Maggie took advantage of the opportunity to study Alex in the daylight. She had watched him when he searched for a nightshirt in the trunk, but she had seen mostly his backside that night. Although he was more distant from her now, the sunlight made it easier to see more. He was not as big in bulk as Brodie, but his body was nicely proportioned: wide shoulders, narrow waist and hips, strong thighs. The furry pelt of hair on his chest was more red than the hair on his head and thinned as it went below his waist. Her face began to burn and her breathing increased as she gazed at the area below his waist. Though his body was obviously affected by the coldness of the water, she was nonetheless impressed.

  It was Rachelle's laughter that roused her from her close inspection. As her glance traveled back up to Alex's face, she realized that they had locked gazes.

  "Weel, Maggie, do I still meet yer approval?" He called out.

  She looked him straight in the eye as she answered.

  "Oh, yes, Alex, I do approve."

  All four burst out in laughter at her answer, and the two groups walked toward each other. Rachelle ran into Brodie's spread arms and he twirled her around in his embrace. By the time they came to a stop, Brodie was kissing her passionately.

  Maggie looked at Alex, and he nodded and reached for her. With an arm around her shoulders, he drew her close and leaned down to kiss her mouth. Maggie sighed helplessly as his warm lips caressed hers. A throbbing sensation began low in her belly. What started out for show turned into something quite real in just a few seconds. The sight of his naked body had aroused her, and she fed the fire by responding recklessly to his kiss.

  * * *

  His skin was cold, but her heat was warming him quickly to the core. He wrapped his arms more tightly around her and spread his legs, urging her to come in closer. She did. He plunged
his tongue deeper into her mouth and heard her moan in response. He moved one of his hands behind her head and slipped his fingers into her hair. Slanting his head, he tasted her again and again until her tongue joined his in play. Her hands moved over his skin, and he felt her fingers in the hair on his chest.

  "Alex," she sighed as they finally parted, and she lifted her mouth to his for more. A quick glance told him they were alone, Brodie had taken Rachelle off for some privacy. He opened his mouth and let her tongue move into his, enjoying the tickling, tingling feeling as she tasted him. He was also enjoying the movements of her hands, sweeping over his back and down to his waist and hips. He pushed his arousal toward her and rubbed against her hips, the friction and the heat making him harder than before.

  Her questing hands reached his backside and they stopped. Maggie pulled from their kiss and looked at him with passion-glazed eyes.

  "Alex, you're naked!"

  "Aye, lass, I am that."

  "What are we doing?" Maggie turned her glance to the trees over his shoulders.

  "Weel, we call it preein' the lips o' here, but I think they call it kissing in England." She slapped at his shoulder and pulled away. He watched as she took deep gulps of air and forced them out loudly.

  "I know what it's called, Alex. But, have you lost your mind?" Their gazes locked and never wavered, even as he leaned down and picked up the length of plaid lying nearby on the ground.

  "Was there something wrong in what we did?" He began to wrap the plaid around his waist as Brodie had shown him and threw the excess over his shoulder.

  "I'm afraid, Alex." Her voice lowered to a mere whisper, her eyes were wide. He moved closer to hear her concerns. "It felt real, Alex, it didn't feel like we were acting."

  "Is that wrong? I saw the way ye looked at me. Ye were just as hot for me as I was for ye."

  "I'm not blaming you, Alex. I got caught off guard by Rachelle. I didn't expect to see you standing by the lake in nothing but your birthday suit." She shook her head as she continued. "There's too much for us to worry about here, Alex, We can't allow ourselves to become, you know, involved. We have to find out what's going on."