Terri Brisbin Highlander Bundle Read online

Page 20

  ‘I must go with them,’ her father said.

  ‘I will come,’ Tavis said, turning to her. ‘I will speak to Connor.’

  ‘Nay, Tavis,’ her father said. ‘Remain here with Ciara and I will find out what he plans to do. I wonder if he knew what would happen before he arrived here?’

  Not waiting for an answer, he left, calling out to Rurik and a few of the men to clear the church. Within a short time, the church was empty save for her, Tavis and Father Micheil, who remained kneeling before the altar, praying.

  Ciara sank on to the chair, as the enormity of everything that had happened rolled over her. Now, with a few minutes of privacy, she turned to Tavis.

  ‘Did Connor know?’ she asked quietly.

  ‘He might have had an inkling of my plans,’ Tavis admitted, with a smirk. ‘I went to him early this morn and told him I needed his support.’

  ‘You did? He could have...he could have...’ The possible scenarios all spun out in her mind—very few of them ended well for a man who disobeyed his laird and caused dishonour to his clan.

  ‘I would never let my laird enter a battle unarmed or without the correct weapons at hand, Ciara. I did not know how it would play out, but I expected Connor to have my back as I have had his all these years in his service. I pledged my loyalty and obedience to him, no matter his decision about what happens to us.’

  Ciara liked the way us sounded to her when he said it.

  ‘You are certain about this?’ she asked.

  ‘I spoke to Gunna as you said to,’ he whispered. ‘She told me the truth about Saraid’s condition. I had no idea.’

  ‘It was not your fault,’ she reminded him.

  ‘I was so mired in guilt, it never occurred to me to ask Gunna or ask anyone about her.’ He kissed her hand and shook his head. ‘I did not dare believe that I could be a better man until you made me face the fear I carried.’

  She smiled then in spite of the tears that burned in her eyes and threatened to turn her into the ugly mess she became when crying. Still, there had been other things standing in their way.

  ‘But what about the rest of your objections? You objected to my education, my wealth, my abilities and other things as well as not being able to love me.’

  He laughed then and she loved the sound of it. For a long time she did not think he would ever smile at her as he did now.

  ‘I was intimidated by all the things you can do that I cannot,’ he admitted.

  ‘James said the same thing to me.’

  ‘Did he? When?’

  ‘A few days ago. I think he was considering this when we talked. Elizabeth interrupted us.’

  ‘I guess I am glad you frightened him off, then.’

  ‘I am, too. I would have done it sooner if I’d known.’

  He kissed her then. Not the way he wanted to, for they were in a house of God, but there would be time for that later. Once all this was settled and he knew if they stayed or went, he would speak to Father Micheil about marrying them first. He wanted her as his before another day passed if it was possible.

  ‘I could work with you on learning your letters and numbers, you know,’ she offered.

  ‘There are others skills of yours that I wish to concentrate on, Ciara,’ he said honestly. Not the best thing to say in a house of God, but it was in his thoughts.

  ‘Tavis!’ she whispered, putting her hand over his mouth. ‘Father might hear you!’

  ‘I was thinking of your skills in playing chess,’ he said with a wink. ‘What wicked deeds were you thinking about?’

  Now, all those thoughts entered his mind and he could not wait to claim her completely, body and soul, as his. Though after her enthusiasm a night ago, he considered that he might not survive the experience. He wouldna mind dying in trying, though.

  They sat then in the silence with Father Micheil’s whispered prayers echoing around them and Tavis offered up a few of his own. He did not want to rip her from everyone she loved for that was one advantage of his proposal over James’s—she could stay with those who loved her and whom she loved. But, he did not want to be the cause of strife between Duncan and Connor, either.

  Still, he thanked the Almighty for allowing him to see the blindness that he’d been living in and that she had made sure he discovered the truth. He could not have helped Saraid, no matter what or when it happened. He was only a man. A fallible one at that. But now he had another chance to be a better man and a better husband to Ciara.

  Footsteps behind them alerted them to a decision. He kissed her hand and stood to meet their fate with her at his side. But here or somewhere else, he would be with her...always.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Duncan and her mother walked slowly down the aisle towards them and Tavis held his breath. Their expressions gave nothing away as they made their way to the front of the church. The old priest stopped praying and rose from his knees to join them.

  ‘Well, Duncan. Has this been sorted out with the laird and the Murrays?’ Father Micheil asked.

  ‘Aye, Father,’ Duncan said. ‘Lord Murray is devastated by what James did today, but that worked to your benefit.’ He looked at Tavis first, then Ciara. ‘If you had come forwards sooner, I could not say that Connor would have allowed this to go forwards.’

  ‘What did he say?’ Tavis asked.

  ‘Since Lord Murray did not know of your declaration here, Connor was able to make it look as though he was being benevolent and understanding of the weaknesses of youth. He allowed the betrothal agreement to be broken in exchange for the same provisions to stand as they’d agreed—access to the ports of Perth and Dundee through Lord Murray’s contacts.’

  ‘But why?’

  ‘James did marry a MacLerie without his permission as laird, so Connor will provide a dowry for Elizabeth once they are found and their marriage is confirmed.’

  ‘Is he angry?’

  ‘Aye, he is,’ Connor said from the back of the church. Jocelyn followed along, as did Rurik and his wife. Even Gair the steward and Connor’s half-sister were there. ‘Angry that you did not see what everyone else has seen for years, Tavis.’

  ‘Connor, I...’ Tavis tried to explain, but then he noticed that Connor did not look angry at all. ‘I allowed pride and fear to stand in my way.’

  ‘Aye, you did just that. But when you came to speak to me about your life, I knew what you must be considering. So when young James approached me about his dilemma, I may have suggested an expedient way to handle it all at once.’

  Tavis shook his head. ‘You did not?’

  Ciara laughed at his side. ‘James spoke to you? When?’

  ‘The other day and about an hour before you came to see me, Tavis.’ Connor smiled then. ‘Actually, he spoke to Jocelyn.’

  ‘The fight,’ he said, remembering the argument he overheard.

  ‘Aye,’ Jocelyn said. ‘The boy knew you were not happy, but planned to do your duty, Ciara, and he admitted that he had fallen in love with Elizabeth on your journey here. He could not go to his parents, so he came to me. Someone had told him that I had tamed a certain beast.’

  ‘Why did you not say something, Connor?’ Tavis asked.

  ‘You needed to make that decision yourself, lad. If I had smoothed the way for you, and you knew it, would you know that you were willing to risk all for her?’

  ‘His parents know none of this?’ Ciara asked.

  ‘Nay,’ Connor said. ‘And for his sake, I would not tell them. He will deal with them when he, they, return to Perthshire.’

  ‘Where did they go?’ Ciara asked, concerned for her friend.

  ‘I did not ask and did not want to know.’

  Wise, Tavis thought. Aware, but not directing it all. He could still deny involvement if asked, since he’d offered counsel only.

  ‘But she went willingly? He did not force her?’

  She knew the truth when the words were said. It was a love match and there was no force used. Some convincing to take the ris
k, but James had followed his heart.

  ‘And now?’ Ciara asked, needing to know what their fate would be.

  ‘Lord Murray agreed that a quick and quiet wedding between you and Tavis would remove the sting of James’s abandonment,’ Connor said. ‘He even suggested it himself. He did not wish to see you humiliated before your family.’ Connor paused and met her gaze, all amusement gone from his eyes. ‘If you will have him as husband?’

  She tried to keep the tears from flowing, but she could not. Every dream she had ever had about Tavis could come true. The childish ones when she made her bold claim and the more serious ones made over the years since. ‘Truly?’

  ‘Here now, lass,’ Tavis said, wiping her cheeks gently. ‘You know how badly you cry. I would have you happy.’

  ‘I am happy,’ Ciara said.

  ‘Father Micheil is ready now,’ her father said.

  ‘Now?’ She looked at the priest, who already had his prayer book out.

  ‘All the legalities have been seen to,’ Father Micheil said.

  Ciara looked around and found all of the important people in her life smiling at her and Tavis. Something more was going on here, but she did not want to question it, for fear it would disappear. So, she joined hands with Tavis and they pledged their lives together even as their hearts had been joined for years now.

  They left the church and returned to the hall in the keep where the other wedding feast had been planned. If anyone thought it strange that a different groom sat at the high table than the one they’d thought would be there, no one mentioned it among all the celebrating.

  Ciara danced and ate and drank with a light heart, overwhelmed by the events of the last few hours even while looking forward to the night ahead. Having been pleasured by Tavis, she could not wait for the rest of it—for him to completely lay claim to her body as her lawful husband. She would not have to be content in this marriage bed, she could be complete. The bawdy jokes now made sense to her as those around shouted out toasts and good wishes.

  If she had married James, there would have been a bedding ceremony, but now with nothing to prove to outsiders and with no grants of land and cattle attached to their marriage, she and Tavis could retire privately to the room above. Not certain when that would be, she enjoyed the festivities.

  * * *

  Later, while many yet remained in the hall eating and dancing, Tavis lifted her into his arms and carried her away. From the hall, up the stairs and to the room that would be theirs for the night. Her breath caught as he whispered promises about what his plans were for the two of them. Within minutes, he stood her before him and dropped the door latch, giving them some assurance that they would not be disturbed.

  The room looked lovely with flower petals strewn on the bed and the soft light from many candles. A small platter held some special desserts and a bottle of wine awaited them. Ciara poured a cup of the wine for each of them and wondered if she should be nervous.

  ‘You look worried, love,’ he said from behind her. He lifted her hair from her shoulders, exposing her neck to him. Remembering the touch of his mouth there, she waited, holding her breath in anticipation of repeating the pleasure.

  His mouth was hot as he kissed her along the sensitive skin. He followed it down, unlacing the top of her gown and pushing it off her shoulder so he could taste the curve of her neck there. Part of her wished he would tear her clothes off and finish it while part enjoyed the way he lingered in this one place.

  ‘I am not worried,’ she said on a sigh. ‘I am just worried.’

  He laughed then. ‘Worried about what?’ His mouth moved up to the tickling spot just beneath her ear and she giggled and shivered as he touched it.

  ‘If I will please you this night,’ she admitted.

  ‘If you please me any more than you did that night in my cottage, I will not survive.’

  He took the cup from her and placed it back on the table. Holding her against him, she felt proof of his desire against her back and she leaned against it.

  ‘I could restrain myself that night, knowing that you did not belong to me, but now,’ he said, kissing her mouth as he turned her in his arms, ‘now you are mine.’

  She reached up to remove her gown, but he rubbed her arms and placed them at her sides.

  ‘It is my turn to undress you,’ he said. The words sounded so scandalous and her stomach tightened with excitement. The place between her legs grew achy and moist as she thought of what was to happen between them.

  He untied her laces and eased the gown the rest of the way, sliding it down over her arms and guiding it over her breasts and belly and then her hips until it dropped to the floor. Tavis gave her his hand so she could step from it. He carefully picked it up and draped it over a chair and that pleased her. He turned back and just stared at her, his eyes moving over her flesh and she could almost feel his touch every place that he looked.

  Before he took off the chemise, he used the back of his hand to glide over the surface of it, teasing her with the lightest of touches. The tips of her breasts tightened into buds and her breasts felt heavy and ached for more. Her head drifted back and she could feel the length of her hair sliding across her back and legs. She wanted him to touch her, touch her and make her scream in pleasure, but he was taking too long.

  ‘Please,’ she whispered. ‘Please?’

  It was the last thing she said for some time.

  He would have gone slowly, but when she begged him, he lost all control. Tavis pulled the chemise off and began to kiss her where she stood. Her mouth beckoned him and he tasted her there first. Hot, open-mouthed kisses that incited him to more. When she was breathless and her mouth well kissed, he traced a path down her neck and shoulders, teasing her breasts with feathery caresses of his tongue until he reached her belly.

  Her legs trembled, so he guided her back against the edge of the bed to sit. When she did, he knelt between her legs and gently eased them apart. He knew she’d liked this the first time, but now was his turn to drive her mad. And he would.

  Leaning forwards, he kissed the inside of her thighs, waiting for her to relax them. When they fell open wider, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and feasted on her flesh. Holding her hips, he kept her there, licking the heated folds until they wept against his mouth. She sighed, she moaned and she arched against his mouth, but he did not relent.

  He slid his tongue deep there and then found the small taut bud that he knew would send her reeling into release. He licked it once, then again when she thrust herself against his mouth. Laughing, he paused for a moment and then took the bud between his teeth and tugged on it gently. She screamed then, tossing and writhing against him, wanting more. So he gave her more, then he listened as everything tight within her body released in a torrent of pleasure. He lifted up and used his fingers to ease the tight opening wider. She gasped over and over as he slid one, then two fingers deep inside her. When she pushed herself against them, he knew it was time.

  Tavis did not take the time to undress; he just freed himself from his trews, placed her legs around his hips and eased inside her. He moved deeper as slowly as he could to allow her body to accommodate his. Then, with a final thrust, he claimed her and made them one. Watching her face as his flesh became hers, when there was no ending of his and no beginning of hers, he realised the expression that lay across her features: transcendent. Her face glowed with passion and her eyes were filled with love in that moment. If he had worried about this being the right thing to do, that expression convinced him of the rightness of it. He leaned down and kissed her mouth, gently tasting her as he eased back and then pushed forwards the rest of the way inside her. She wrapped her arms around his and he slid them higher up on to the bed.

  He felt her tightness surrounding him and reached down between their bodies to bring her more pleasure. His finger barely touched and she arched against him, causing him to thrust deeper. She moaned. He eased out a bit and then thrust back in, moving slowly so that her fle
sh grew softer. When she reached down and grabbed his arse, he let go of his control and filled her, claiming every inch of her flesh as his.

  She matched his rhythm quickly, lifting her hips to his thrusts.

  ‘Mine,’ he whispered over and over against her ear until the waves of pleasure stopped. ‘Mine.’

  ‘Yours,’ she whispered back.

  He remained deep inside her for some time and she could still feel him there, though not as large or as hard as he’d been. Ciara tried to remain still, for it felt wonderful to keep him as part of her flesh, but he shifted his weight off her and separated from her. She felt empty in a strange way that she could not explain.

  He slipped from the bed and removed the rest of his clothes. Then he brought a basin and cloth over to the bed and waited for her to use it. The warmth of the rose-scented water helped ease the slight stinging there. But other than that brief, sharp twinge, she had felt only pleasure during their joining. Tavis showed her great care as he helped her from the bed and pulled the covers back. Settling her under them, he climbed back in next to her and took her in his arms.

  They lay there in the silence for a few minutes and then she turned to him.

  ‘I wonder where James and Elizabeth are,’ she said.

  He laughed and kissed her. ‘Of all the things you could have said, I did not expect that.’

  ‘She is my closest friend. She should have told me,’ Ciara said. ‘I was so deep in my own misery that I never saw that she and James were falling in love right in front of me.’

  ‘Must we speak of them right now?’ he asked, in a tone that sounded annoyed.

  ‘Is there something else you’d like to talk about?’ she asked. ‘We are not expected back in the hall until morning.’

  He snorted and she looked at him. He didn’t look angry, but clearly he was not interested in talking to her.

  ‘I have never done this before,’ she admitted. ‘I do not know what is proper.’

  ‘Proper?’ He rolled her on her back under him and she felt the heat of his body surround hers. ‘We are naked, in a bed, married. There is no such thing as proper now.’ As if to make his point clearer, she felt him harden against her leg.